About Us

WISDOM INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL (W.I.P.S) was founded in 2013 under the management running society Maa Saraswati Educational Charitable and Social Welfare Society, a prominent non-Government Educational Organization; is dedicated to cherish in its Students the good old tradition of Indian culture & civilization along with Children are the future of the nation.
However, in the light of this fact and with the motto of “Better Tomorrow” the school is dedicated to serve as a light house to society. The institution by its unique service is not only dispelling ignorance and illiteracy but also producing patriots, freedom fighter, social reformers, intellectuals, thinker, legal luminaries, doctors and engineers of unparallel merit, integrity and caliber.
The Course has been designed as per C.B.S.E. syllabus where ‘No Books Burden’ for the classes has been implemented. The Montessori system of education will be followed. Great importance is attached for inculcating students to develop their physical, mental and spiritual dimension of personality.
We believe that a harmonious development of these three faculties can bring a total transformation in the personality of a child. The school is of the firm opinion that a sound moral, cultural and physical training is as important as academic and scholastic instruction in preparing a student for their role in life.
Hence much importance is attributed to games, sports and physical cultivation including Yoga, dramas, debates, social work, general knowledge etc. To keep the students mentally alert and to cop with the time. Love for country and a respect for its additional values is carefully cultivated in every pupil so he/she can be sincere and committed citizen for the “Better Tomorrow” of the country.